Elevate your farm management to optimize farm operations, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with ease.


farm mapping, crop mapping, farm monitoring, traceability solutions

Elevate your farm management to optimize farm operations, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with ease.

Brands that trust us





Leverage advanced geo-tagging and mapping features to gain precise insights into farm layouts, resource allocation, and risk areas. 


Enhance accuracy in monitoring of carbon projects by delineating farm boundaries and identifying boundary overlaps across farmers and projects. 

carbon project developers


Precisely identify and monitor farms at risk of deforestation, ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements, and mitigate reputational and legal risks associated with unsustainable sourcing practices. 


farm management, crop management, farm management software
Farm Boundary Precision

Challenges in accurately mapping farm boundaries and identifying overlapping areas. 

farm management, crop management, farm management software
Deforestation Risks

Difficulty in monitoring and mitigating deforestation risks within farm boundaries and nearby areas. 

farm management, crop management, farm management software
Compliance Monitoring

Lack of tools to implement geo-fencing for compliance and traceability requirements.


blockchain traceability for eudr regulations, traceability solutions

Unlock the power of your first-mile data with Trace Gro. Centralize farmer information, streamline farm management, and ensure compliance reporting effortlessly. Elevate your pre-harvest agriculture productivity with ease.


Geo-tag farms with Lat/Long coordinates

Visualize farm boundaries

Optimize resource allocation

Geo tagging, farm management, crop management
polygon mapping, traceability solution, blockchain traceability

Polygon Mapping

Meticulously trace every inch of your farm's perimeter

Insight and vigilance for sustainable agricultural practices

Unlock transparency and traceability.


Create restricted zones

Prevent unauthorized access.

Mitigate deforestation risks.

geo fencing, traceability solution
boundary overlap, farm boundary overlap

Boundary Overlaps

Seamless compliance with carbon offset project requirements,

Safeguard against spatial discrepancies

Detect Boundary overlaps for unrivalled project integrity

What are the Benefits?


Increase Consumer Trust and Loyalty

New age consumers want to know the product story. With QR code a quick scan of the product label provides consumer with all the details thereby providing the ability to verify each claim.

Reduce overheads for Product Recalls

Millions of dollars are spent to recall products. Our solutions can help brands to track and trace back the product at any point with minimal overhead or loss of brand credibility.

Achieve Sustainability Goals

To make sustainability goals possible. It is pre-requisite know to most granular detail of the supply chain. TraceX solution gives granular insights into the supply chain to make sustainability goals possible and verifiable.

Ensures Food Safety

Quality issues can cause irreperable damage to the brand. The ability of our solution to verify every claim of all the supply chain players will mitigate potential food fraud.

Increase Consumer Trust and Loyalty

New age consumers want to know the product story. With QR code a quick scan of the product label provides consumer with all the details thereby providing the ability to verify each claim.

Reduce overheads for Product Recalls

Millions of dollars are spent to recall products. Our solutions can help brands to track and trace back the product at any point with minimal overhead or loss of brand credibility.

Achieve Sustainability Goals

To make sustainability goals possible. It is pre-requisite know to most granular detail of the supply chain. TraceX solution gives granular insights into the supply chain to make sustainability goals possible and verifiable.

Ensures Food Safety

Quality issues can cause irreperable damage to the brand. The ability of our solution to verify every claim ofall the supply chain players will mitigate potential food fraud.

Key Benefits

food traceability, food supply chain, food traceability solution, food traceability software

Transparent Supply Chains

Enhances traceability and transparency by geo-tagging farms along the supply chain, enabling stakeholders to track product origins and ensure responsible sourcing. 

Resource Management

Mapping their farms empowers growers to optimize resource management by pinpointing areas of water stress or nutrient deficiency, allowing for precise input application and minimizing environmental impact through reduced waste. 

food traceability, food supply chain, food traceability solution, food traceability software

Empowerment Through Data

Provide farmers and stakeholders with access to comprehensive farm mapping data, empowering them to make informed decisions and optimize farm performance. 

food traceability, food supply chain, food traceability solution, food traceability software

Compliance Assurance

Ensure compliance with environmental regulations and sustainability standards by monitoring farm activities in real-time and ensures easy audits through file formats 

VNV Transforms Rice Cultivation with TraceX Sustainability and Carbon Management Solutions

Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Supply Chain Optimization with the Krishi Mangal Project 


Boundary overlap in carbon offset projects can lead to inaccuracies in spatial measurements, resulting in discrepancies between claimed and mapped areas.


The boundary overlap feature in farm mapping solutions addresses this issue by accurately delineating farm boundaries, ensuring precise spatial measurements and avoiding overlaps.


With the boundary overlap feature, carbon project developers can maintain compliance with project requirements, accurately report project areas, and minimize the risk of discrepancies, thereby enhancing project credibility and effectiveness.



Interested to know more?

sustainable development goals, sustainable development goal, food traceability, food supply chain, agriculture Sustainability, farm traceability, farm supply chain, traceability agriculture

Sustainable Development Goals – Heart of Corporate Strategy

Business leaders have understood that sustainability is an investment. As part of the efforts to strengthen companies’ corporate responsibility in different industries, the Global Corporate Sustainability Index rates their adherence to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). . Businesses need to embed sustainability in all parts of their organization and translate it into their brands.

Read More »

Frequently Asked Questions


No, but we can do a pilot implementation to help you explore the system.

On an average 16% of the users scan the QR code. We have seen companies introducing gamification techniques to increase the consumer engagement and buying propensity

Not as of now. We have a standard subscription model based on the volume of transactions

It completely depends on the company or the brand on how they are leveraging the traceability. However we have observed the companies are able to get better market linkages and demand premiums for traced products

It depends on the brand and their marketing and sales team leveraging the traceability and doing necessary promotions to increase adoption and engagement. We do not track the customer engagament on our portal

Harness the power of intelligent supply chains

Leverage Blockchain enabled traceability platform for enhanced supply chain visibility

food traceability, food supply chain

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