Transforming Basmati Rice Production: TraceX's Traceability Solutions

Dive into the success story of a Basmati Rice Production, exploring how traceability solutions revolutionized their supply chain, reduced environmental impact, and set new standards for responsible practices. 


  • Challenges in addressing multiple stakeholders in the Basmati value chain. 
  • Manual record keeping systems leading to inefficiencies. 
  • Lack of digitization in the supply chain hindering transparency. 
  • Difficulty in managing crop input resources and tracking real-time farming practices. 
  • Time-consuming tasks for project managers in validating sustainable agriculture practices. 


TraceX’s blockchain-powered traceability solution addresses these challenges by providing a single connected platform for the entire rice supply chain. Features include data collection, crop recommendations, digitization of activities, and tracking field implementation performance. The post-harvest solution streamlines both procurement and process workflows ensuring end to end traceability of the rice supply chain. 


  • Collaboration with 32 farmer groups and approximately 200 farmers., leading to simplified transactions and increased trust. 
  • Digitization of Basmati paddy cultivation practices across key regions with auditable data accessible in minutes, promoting transparency. 
  • Three mandi agents identified for efficient procurement. 
  • Achieved 94% compliance with Package-of-Practice across multiple clusters and farmers. 
  • Faster follow-ups on field agent targets, enhancing productivity. 
  • Efficient paddy sampling processes for MRL detection, resulting in smoother procurement. 
  • 3000 MT of Basmati paddy traced via unique batch IDs annually. 

“We were able to connect our complete ecosystem by partnering with TraceX to implement a blockchain-powered digital agricultural platform. We were able to track data in structured forms as well as receive real-time updates on our farms, which really helped us in taking right decision at right time.”  

Global rice consumption has been slowly increasing over the years. The tiny grain bears quite a large responsibility, with it being the staple food of more than half of the world’s population – more than 3.5 billion people depend on rice for more than 20% of their daily calories. Global consumption is driven by population and economic growth, especially in many Asian and African countries, with China and India, the world’s most populous countries consuming the most.  

Rice is one of India’s largest agri-export commodities. This means that huge portions of Indian farmlands are dedicated to growing it. This comes at a cost. Rice needs huge volumes of water to grow: 1 ton of rice requires 3000 liters throughout its growth cycle. This puts a huge stress on the limited water resources that we have access to. Apart from this, rice is a substantial contributor to global warming. According to WRI, growing rice produces methane, that is more than 30 times as potent as carbon dioxide. 

The Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is a multi-stakeholder international alliance with over 100 institutional members from public, private, research, civil society, and the financial sector. SRP works with partners to transform the global rice sector by promoting resource-use efficiency and climate change resilience, both on-farm and throughout the rice value chain. 

About the Export Company

A major agribusiness exporter spearheaded the digitization of its Sustainable Rice Project, with a focus on Basmati paddy cultivation across regions like Madlauda, Safidon in Haryana Collaborating with 32 farmer groups, comprising around 200 farmers, the project aimed to track 3000MT of Basmati paddy. The primary goal was to streamline the entire supply chain, leveraging the TraceX solutions, by digitizing cultivation practices, implementing modern agricultural techniques, and optimizing resource utilization. 

Challenges faced by the Export Company

  • Addressing and handling multiple stakeholders in the Basmati value chain. 
  • Manual record keeping systems. 
  • Lack of digitization in the supply chain 
  • Management of Crop Input Resources 
  • Tracking real-time package of practices during crop production. 
  • Monitoring and Tracking residue-free produce during sampling and procurement. 
  • Time-consuming and cumbersome tasks for the project managers 
  • Validating sustainable agriculture practices adopted. 
  • In remote agricultural areas, connectivity is a challenge. 
  • Streamlining procurement and process workflows is cumbersome and time consuming. 
  • Lack of Real-time visibility in the supply chain.

TraceX Blockchain Traceability Solutions

TraceX empowers complete transparency and traceability across the rice supply chain, ensuring every step, from “seed to shelf,” is documented and accountable.  

  1. Pre-Harvest with Trace Gro:
  • Farmers utilize the Trace Gro mobile app to record crucial data on land preparation, seed selection, fertilizer application, and crop health monitoring. 
  • Field supervisors leverage the platform to monitor and document activities throughout the growing season, capturing everything from soil testing to pest management. 
  1. Harvest and Procurement with Trace Pro:
  • Upon harvest, Trace Pro, the post-harvest module, seamlessly integrates with procurement processes. 
  • Quality checks and batch IDs are assigned, linking the crop back to its origin farm and pre-harvest data. 
  • Procurement agents use the mobile app to record details of each transaction, including farmer ID, batch ID, crop quality, quantity, and agreed-upon price. 
  1. Post-Harvest Processing and Logistics:
  • Through Trace Pro, processing steps like drying, cleaning, sorting, and milling are carefully documented, ensuring quality and compliance. 
  • Warehousing and transportation are meticulously tracked, with QR codes enabling real-time visibility and preventing potential fraud.

Pre- Harvest Solutions with Trace Gro

Farmer Onboarding: Farmers are registered on TraceX system with unique IDs, their farm locations geo-tagged. 

Land Preparation: Field supervisor and farmers use the mobile app to record the various land preparation activities, the dates, the inputs used and photos for verification. The data is stored against the specific farm plots and farmer IDs. 

Crop Management: The Package of Practices are configured, that includes seed sowing and planting dates, fertilizer applications, pesticide/herbicide applications, irrigation methods and water usage and disease or pest observations. Weather and Soil data can also be captured into the system with external integrations. 

Sampling & Harvesting: The crop health is recorded with photos. Harvest dates and yield estimates are calculated and harvest dashboards are built for generating data analytics for insights and decision making. Batch IDs are allocated to harvests collected. 

Benefits of Utilizing TraceX for Pre-Harvest Activities

  • Traceability Back to Source: Every crop batch, even at further processing stages, can be traced back to the specific field/plot, farmer, and associated practices. 
  • Sustainability Tracking: Input usage, water consumption, and other key metrics are tracked against sustainability goals set by the project manager or agribusiness. 
  • Data Analytics: TraceX can analyze pre-harvest data to identify areas for improvement in crop yield, resource usage, and pest/disease management. 
  • Farmer Empowerment: Provides farmers access to valuable data, weather forecasts, market information, and recommended agricultural practices through the app. 
  • Crop Quality Validation: Pre-harvest records can help buyers assess crop quality and make better sourcing decisions. 
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Post Harvest Solutions with Trace Pro

Streamlined Procurement with TraceX 

Procurement managers receive lists detailing farmer information and the required crops. These lists are seamlessly imported through the TraceX platform or existing system integrations. Mandi managers or Procurement agents utilize the TraceX mobile app to connect with farmers and record transaction details like farmer ID, batch ID, crop quality, quantity, and agreed-upon price. A unique QR code is generated for each specific procurement batch. Unique QR code tags are printed and attached to individual paddy bags, linking them to the specific batch and pre-harvest data, ensuring complete traceability throughout the process. Each bag’s ID may be scanned and linked with the larger batch, ensuring complete traceability. Bags are received at the warehouse and their QR codes scanned. Inventory system is automatically updated, reflecting incoming stock, lot origins, and relevant quality parameters. When fulfilling a sales order, the QR codes of outgoing bags are scanned for dispatch. This can be integrated with GPS tracking devices on trucks to monitor shipments in real-time. 

Benefits of Utilizing TraceX for Post-Harvest Procurement

  • End-to-End Traceability: From the farmer’s field through procurement, storage, and transport, every step is recorded against a unique ID, providing a transparent audit trail. 
  • Supply Chain Efficiency: Streamlines data capture, reducing the need for manual record-keeping, minimizing errors, and saving time. 
  • Inventory Management: Real-time visibility into stock levels, locations, and quality across warehouses. 
  • Data for Decision Making: TraceX’s analytics can reveal patterns in procurement, inventory movement, sales, and farmer data – driving better forecasting and resource planning. 
  • Building Trust: Traceability enhances trust for retailers, end consumers, and investors as sustainability and ethical sourcing become paramount. 
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Harvest to Shelf with Transparency

Batch IDs link crops to their pre-harvest data, while quality checks and processing steps are meticulously documented in the TraceX app. New QR codes track split batches and processing history. Milling and packing are monitored, with inventory updates reflecting stock levels. Finally, dispatched bags are scanned, potentially tracked by GPS, and linked to sales orders, allowing consumers to access the story behind their purchase. TraceX empowers transparency and traceability, fostering trust throughout the food supply chain. 

Linking Harvest to Pre-Harvest Data: Upon arrival of the harvested crop (e.g., paddy from the field), the Batch ID or Farmer ID is scanned. The system pulls in all pre-harvest data associated with that batch or farmer – soil conditions, inputs, crop variety, etc. This creates the foundation for complete traceability. 

Quality Control & Grading: The Quality Supervisor assesses the crop against defined quality parameters (moisture, foreign matter, grain size, etc.). The  Supervisor inputs quality test results and assigns a grade. Photos may be uploaded for verification. 

Batch Processing and Tagging: Crop batch undergoes specific processing steps as needed (drying, cleaning, sorting, etc.).Each step can be logged in TraceX. If the batch is split or combined with others, new unique batch IDs are generated to maintain traceability. After a processing step, a new QR code might be printed, linking it back to both the original harvest data and the processing history. 

Milling & Packing: The batch enters milling processes. Yield ratios and quality after milling are recorded in TraceX. Final packing occurs, potentially with separate bag-level QR codes for finer tracking. The Inventory Module updates stock levels and locations of different products (e.g., broken rice, premium basmati, etc.). 

Warehouse & Dispatch: Rice bags with QR codes are stored, ready for sale. Upon order fulfilment, bags are scanned for dispatch, and GPS tracking may monitor the delivery route. 

Sales Order Completion: All traceability information, from farm to warehouse or retailer, is associated with the specific sales order. The final buyer can scan the QR code and access some or all of the accumulated traceability data, depending on company sharing protocols. 

Benefits of Utilizing TraceX for Post-Harvest Processes

  • Traceability to the Grain: A bag of rice can be traced back to the field, providing a story about its origins, processing, and quality parameters. 
  • Fraud Prevention: Batch IDs and verifiable data make it harder to mix in lower-quality or untraceable products, protecting brand reputation. 
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Track yield losses at different stages, identify bottlenecks in processing, and streamline operations over time. 
  • Market Differentiation: Prove sustainability claims, ethical sourcing practices, and premium quality to command better pricing. 
  • Customer Confidence: Transparency builds brand loyalty and trust in an increasingly conscious marketplace. 
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Ultimately, TraceX provides a comprehensive solution for agricultural stakeholders, from farmers and procurement agents to processors and consumers. By ensuring transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain, TraceX empowers a more sustainable, ethical, and informed agricultural future. 

Key Takeaways from TraceX Solutions:

rice traceability, rice supply chain, paddy traceability, paddy supply chain, blockchain traceability, blockchain traceability solutions, traceability solution, blockchain technology
  • Complete Traceability: TraceX provides end-to-end traceability, linking every step from pre-harvest activities to final sale to a specific farmer and crop batch. 
  • Transparency for All: Farmers, businesses, and consumers gain access to valuable data and insights throughout the supply chain. 
  • Improved Sustainability: Enables monitoring of resource usage and promotes sustainable practices through responsible sourcing and data-driven decision-making. 
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamlines data collection, inventory management, and communication across the supply chain, reducing errors and saving time. 
  • Empowered Farmers: Provides farmers with access to tools and information to improve their agricultural practices and gain market access. 
  • Consumer Confidence: Builds trust and brand loyalty by offering verifiable information about the origin and quality of products. 
  • Compliance with Regulations: Helps businesses comply with regulations like the EU Deforestation Regulation by ensuring responsible sourcing practices. 
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Provides valuable data insights to optimize operations, improve resource management, and make informed decisions. 



The use of traceability solutions for sustainable basmati rice production highlights the importance of incorporating sustainable practices in the production of agriculture commodities. The company’s commitment to sustainable production through the use of environmentally friendly methods such as reducing wate usage and adopting fair labor practices not only benefits the environment and the community but also enhances the quality of the product. 

The implementation of blockchain traceability solutions promotes transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain ensuring the safety of the end product. These solutions help companies to balance profitability with social and environmental responsibility, contributing to a sustainable future. 

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