Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is a set of farming methods that principles of rehabilitating soil health, water management, fertilizer use, and other factors to order to restore and improve the overall farm environment.

Terra Genesis International defines it as “a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services”

How does regenerative agriculture work?

Regenerative agriculture prioritizes soil improvement in addition to soil maintenance. It employs methods and technology that renew and regenerate the environment as well as the soil. In addition to enhancing soil health, it generates high-quality, nutrient-dense meals, and healthier produce. It includes permaculture, organic farming, crop rotation, no-tilling, crop cover, composting, natural fertilizers, and others.

Difference between sustainable agriculture and regenerative agriculture?

The practice of raising plants and animals without endangering the needs or resources of present or future generations is known as sustainable agriculture.

Simply said, regenerative agriculture is the efficient and sustainable management of land resources.
As a result, the term “sustainability” refers broadly to the preservation of agricultural resources, and Sustainability is one of the practices used in regenerative agriculture. It is more defined and applies techniques to help restore the system and help improve productivity.

Overall, both sustainability and regenerative agriculture overlap in principles, and farmers can choose regenerative agriculture as a sustainability plan.

Best regenerative agriculture practices?

Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is a change in the crops that are planted periodically; farmers plant different crops based on certain conditions that help the soil retain fertility and absorb nutrients.

Crop Cover: A farmer who plants specific crops with no intention of harvesting is said to be providing crop cover. These are crops that function as cover crops to preserve, retain, and improve soil nutrients.

Tilling: To preserve the nutrients already present in the soil, no-tilling or restricted tilling is utilized. It lessens carbon dioxide emissions and decreases soil erosion.

Permaculture: An agricultural ecosystem is created with self-sufficiency and sustainability in mind. It involves actions like reusing resources, biodegrading, planting trees for shade to block wind, etc.

Composting: With this approach, organic resources serve as organic fertilizers. The soil is enriched and given bacteria through the addition of waste, manures, and crop leftovers from farming.

How does regenerative farming reverse climate change?

Through soil enhancement, crop diversity, livestock management, crop rotation, use of organic and natural fertilizers, etc. regenerative agriculture does address the climate problem and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Regenerative methods will enable the transition to a world where the food system is sustainable, hence reducing climate change and biodiversity loss. Additionally, it will enable farmers to employ sustainable methods that increase crop yields and profitability, addressing social needs while simultaneously having a positive impact on the environment.

How traceability helps in tracking regenerative practices?

With advancements in technologies like the Blockchain, big data and artificial intelligence supported with sophisticated hardware like IoT sensors, real-time data transfer, GPS tracking, geo-locating, image sensors, and many more farmers can club principles of regenerative practices with such technologies to execute and organize farm activity effectively and efficiently.

For example, satellite imagery sensors identify crop health, soil quality, water requirements, disease spread, etc. and inform the farmer in real time, which makes it easier to act accordingly.