How Organic India leveraged TraceX’s Traceability solutions to deliver Healthy Organic products

Organic India was able to streamline their agricultural operations, digitize their farm management processes, track regenerative practices, streamline procurement, ensure product traceability, and validate quality certifications with TraceX’s solutions 

organic india, traceability solution, farm management, food traceability

About the Company

Organic India is a multi-national company which produces certified organic herbal and ayurvedic health products. The company is known for their line of organically grown Tulsi infusions which are sold in India, US, Canada and UK. The company works with thousands of smallholder farmers to cultivate acres of sustainable organic farmland. 


Agri Trading Company



Use Case

Digitization of Farm practices, crop management, streamline procurement and validate product quality  

Features Used

  • Farmer Profiling 
  • Farm and Crop Management 
  • Input Distribution 
  • Approved Farmer Lists 
  • Procurement and GRN 
  • Weighing Scale Integration 

Organic India products are healthy, free from toxins, wholesome and are packaged with care. It upholds the dignity of farmers and brings true health and wellness to consumers. 

Every herb, plant and fruit in Organic India products are grown or harvested using organic methods and sustainable wild-crafting practices. Each item represents a connection between Mother Nature, farmers, and consumers.


Organic India, a multinational company renowned for its certified organic health products, faced a series of challenges in their agricultural practices.  


  • Firstly, they encountered the pressing need for farm digitization to modernize their operations and streamline processes. Without digital tools, managing farm activities efficiently became increasingly difficult. 
  • Another challenge was capturing and tracking regenerative practices employed in crop growth. Organic India was dedicated to sustainable farming methods, including regenerative agriculture, but lacked an efficient system to monitor and document these practices throughout the cultivation cycle. 
  • Moreover, ensuring end-to-end traceability of their products was a significant concern for Organic India. With an increasing demand for transparency from consumers, the company needed to demonstrate the authenticity and integrity of their organic products by providing detailed information on their journey from farm to shelf. 
  • Additionally, Organic India faced the task of validating their quality certifications to meet social and environmental standards. With certifications playing a crucial role in assuring consumers of product quality and sustainability, Organic India needed a reliable way to verify and maintain these certifications across their supply chain. 


Trace- Gro – Pre-Harvest Solutions 

Farm Management 


Farmers are onboarded into the system and their details are entered and profiles created with Unique IDs. The farms are geo-mapped with latitude and longitude details, plot area and area under cultivation. 


Crop Management 


The various crops are configured in the system along with season and cropping details. Tulasi has 3 varieties which are captured. The sown area, the estimated and actual yields are captured. 


Seed Distribution 


Organic India utilizes the application to digitally record and document the distribution of seeds, cuttings, roots, tarpaulin sheets, and HDPE bags to farmers, ensuring transparency, accountability, and efficient management of agricultural inputs and resources. 


Nursery Management 


In nursery management, farmers receive seeds from the Organic India team and sow them in designated nursery areas within the main field. Here, the plants are nurtured under optimal conditions to facilitate germination and early growth. Farmers carefully monitor factors such as water, sunlight, and soil nutrients to ensure the healthy development of seedlings. Once the seedlings reach a suitable stage of growth, they are transplanted from the nursery into the main plot for further cultivation. This process allows farmers to establish strong and healthy plants, setting the stage for successful crop growth in the main field. 


Package of Practices 


Once the transplantation is done, the various package of practices for each crop is configured along with the schedules and alerts. 


Generation of Approved Farmer List (AFL) 


To facilitate efficient reporting and data management, Organic India utilizes the application. Through the app, field teams can easily input field activity data and update the AFL list in real time. Once the AFL list is populated with relevant information, Organic India can download comprehensive reports directly from the application. These reports provide valuable insights into field activities, farmer details, and estimated yield, enabling them to make informed decisions and monitor the progress of agricultural operations effectively. 


Quality Processes 


After harvest, farmers engage in field-level processing directly on the farm. This process typically involves three main steps: cleaning, drying, and packing the produce. Farmers take responsibility for cleaning, drying, and packing the harvested crops, ensuring that the produce is ready for further distribution or sale. 




During the procurement process, farmers bring their produce to the designated procurement center along with a copy of their token. Upon arrival, the entry of the farmer’s ID and token is manually verified to ensure accuracy and authenticity. Subsequently, the quality of the produce undergoes thorough inspection by a quality controller. If the quality fails to meet the set standards, the lot is returned to the farmer. However, if the quality meets the required criteria, the produce is graded accordingly (A, B, C) to categorize its quality level. This meticulous process ensures that only high-quality produce is accepted and processed further, maintaining the standards set by Organic India. 


Integration with Weighing scale 


This feature allows users to weigh the harvested quantity or sales quantity directly on a weighing machine, with the weight automatically reflected in the mobile application. The integration of weighing machines reduces manual entry errors and ensures precise calculation of the weight of produce or products. It enhances efficiency and accuracy in recording quantities during harvesting or sales activities.  


Procurement and GRN 


Organic India utilizes SAP software for various procurement and payment processes, including generating procurement order IDs, Goods Receipt Note (GRN) receipts, and managing farmer payments. While SAP handles these aspects, Organic India seeks to integrate SAP with the TraceX application for seamless data exchange and synchronization. This integration aims to enhance efficiency and accuracy by ensuring that data captured in SAP, such as procurement orders and payment details, is automatically reflected in the  application. This integration project will be pursued as a separate work order, focusing on establishing a robust connection between SAP and TraceX to streamline operations and data management across both platforms. 

Key Takeaways

  • Showcase transparency and sustainability in the organic produce value chain, thereby building consumer trust and also increasing the operational efficiency with reduced costs.  
  • The weighing platform integration and  the token generation for procurement for the farmers facilitates streamlined procurement and fair pricing for farmers. 
  • Customized features bringing in transparency and end to end visibility into the system.  
  • Real-time visibility and data-driven insights for informed decision-making, improving farm efficiency and yield. 
  • Streamlined operations and improved data management by seamless integration with their existing SAP software 

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Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

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Download your Organic India delivers Healthy Organic products with TraceX’s Solutions here

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