COP28: The Vital Role of Agriculture in Combating Climate Change

, 8 minute read

Quick summary: Dive into the critical role of the food and agriculture sector in combating climate change at COP28. Explore insights, innovations, and global initiatives shaping sustainable practices. Uncover the key strategies for a resilient future and how the sector contributes to climate action.

As the world grapples with the devastating impacts of climate change, the 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP28, looms as a critical milestone. It is not just another international gathering but a defining moment in our shared commitment to addressing the climate crisis. 

COP28 will be a milestone moment when the world takes stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement 

In this extended blog, we will explore the significance of COP28 with a specific focus on the food and agriculture sector — a sector that plays a pivotal role in the fight against climate change. 


COP28 is more than just an event; it is a global call to action. It symbolizes our collective endeavor to safeguard our planet and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. As we delve into this topic, we will draw upon credible resources and references, including the report from RNZ highlighting the threat of carbon emissions pushing us closer to the 1.5°C climate threshold and an article from DeSmog revealing the greenwashing tactics employed by the food and agriculture industry at COP28. 

The Urgency of COP28 

The urgency surrounding COP28 cannot be emphasized enough. Our planet is teetering on the brink of a climate catastrophe, and swift and decisive action is our only recourse. The report from RNZ warns that carbon emissions are driving us perilously close to the critical 1.5°C climate threshold far sooner than previously anticipated. Crossing this threshold will usher in a new era of severe climate impacts, making it imperative to act promptly. 

Even if nationally determined contributions - the actions each country intends to take to adapt to climate change and limit global average temperature increases to as close as 1.5 degrees Celsius as possible – and long-term net zero targets are achieved, the world would still be on track for a global mean temperature increase of 1.7-2.1 degrees Celsius this century. 

This urgency underscores the need to examine the food and agriculture sector’s role comprehensively in both contributing to the problem and offering solutions. 

The Food and Agriculture Sector’s Role in Emissions 

The food and agriculture sector stands as a substantial contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, a fact that demands our attention. This sector encompasses a broad range of activities, including livestock farming, crop cultivation, transportation, and food processing, all of which emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. To formulate effective strategies to combat climate change, it is vital to understand how these activities contribute to the problem. 

Livestock farming is a substantial source of methane emissions, primarily through enteric fermentation and manure management. Similarly, crop cultivation practices, such as deforestation and the use of synthetic fertilizers, release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The transportation of food products across the globe adds a significant amount to the sector’s carbon footprint. 

According to DeSmog, the evidence of big agriculture’s role in driving the climate crisis is growing. A March study found that without decisive action, emissions from the food system alone will push the planet over 1.5C of global warming. 

Sustainable Practices and Innovation 

However, it is not all doom and gloom. COP28 provides a platform to explore sustainable practices and innovative solutions within the food and agriculture sector. Sustainable agriculture, regenerative farming, and the adoption of climate-smart techniques can reduce emissions, enhance soil health, and improve food security. 

Sustainable agriculture prioritizes environmentally friendly practices, aiming to reduce the sector’s ecological footprint. Regenerative farming takes sustainability a step further by promoting soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. This approach effectively mitigates emissions and creates a more resilient agricultural system. Climate-smart techniques empower farmers to adapt to changing weather patterns, ensuring food security while minimizing environmental impacts. 

The cooperation of governments, businesses, and farmers is indispensable to implement these strategies on a global scale. The urgency of COP28 underscores the importance of making these sustainable practices the new standard for the food and agriculture sector. 

The Threat of Greenwashing 

While we strive for sustainable agriculture and responsible food production, we must remain vigilant regarding the threat of greenwashing. Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing tactic employed by some corporations to create an illusion of environmental responsibility while continuing harmful practices. At COP28, the food and agriculture sector is not immune to these misleading strategies. 

These practices mislead consumers, making it difficult for them to distinguish between genuine efforts to combat climate change and corporate strategies aimed at maintaining the status quo. COP28 must serve as a platform to expose and combat such deceptive practices in the food and agriculture sector. 

Real Solutions and Accountability 

To address the issues within the food and agriculture sector effectively, it is crucial to hold corporations accountable for their actions. COP28 offers an ideal stage to push for transparency, accurate labeling, and stricter regulations that prevent greenwashing and promote genuine sustainability. 

Transparency is key. Consumers have the right to know how their food is produced, and businesses should be held accountable for their environmental impact. Accurate labeling can help consumers make informed choices, supporting companies that are genuinely committed to sustainability. 

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Stricter regulations should also be considered. These regulations should incentivize sustainable practices, penalize environmental harm, and encourage businesses to transition to eco-friendly methods. Initiatives that genuinely promote sustainability, like organic certification and fair trade practices, should be encouraged and supported. 

The Role of Technology and Research 

To further explore sustainable practices and innovation, it is essential to highlight the role of technology and research within the food and agriculture sector. Cutting-edge technologies, such as precision agriculture, can significantly reduce resource use and emissions. Precision agriculture employs data-driven approaches to optimize farming practices, from efficient irrigation to targeted fertilizer application. 

Research into genetically modified crops and drought-resistant varieties is critical for ensuring food security in the face of changing climate patterns. Additionally, advancements in vertical farming and aquaponics are revolutionizing urban agriculture, reducing the need for land and water while increasing local food production. 

The integration of technology and research with sustainable agriculture practices offers a promising path forward. These innovations can not only mitigate emissions but also adapt to the changing climate while meeting the global demand for food. 

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The Role of Global Food Trade 

Global food trade plays a significant role in the food and agriculture sector’s carbon footprint. It has created a complex web of emissions, driven by the demand for year-round availability of products, irrespective of their seasonal growth. This globalized food system has led to increased transportation and storage-related emissions. Reducing the carbon footprint of global food trade involves rethinking supply chains and promoting localized food systems. By emphasizing regional and seasonal produce, we can significantly cut down emissions associated with long-distance transportation. Moreover, embracing food sovereignty and supporting local farmers can help reduce the environmental impacts of the global food trade. 

The Intersection of Climate Justice and Food Security 

The impact of climate change on food security is not felt equally around the world. Vulnerable communities, often in developing nations, face the harshest consequences of climate-related disruptions to agriculture and food systems. Climate justice calls for equitable solutions that prioritize the most affected populations. 

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COP28 must address these disparities and prioritize measures that enhance food security in the face of climate change. This includes bolstering the resilience of small-scale farmers, supporting agroecological practices, and ensuring access to clean water and sustainable energy for agriculture in vulnerable regions. 


In conclusion, COP28 represents a pivotal moment in our fight against climate change, and the food and agriculture sector is central to this battle. We must recognize the sector’s significant role in greenhouse gas emissions and its potential to be a substantial part of the solution. While addressing the issues of greenwashing is vital, we must also focus on genuine, sustainable practices and hold corporations accountable for their actions. The success of COP28 will be measured not just by the agreements made but by the meaningful actions taken to secure a more sustainable future for our planet. 

As we move forward, let us remember that the food on our plates and the way it is produced play a substantial role in shaping the future of our planet. It’s time to take action, demand accountability, and make sustainable choices that will define the legacy we leave for generations to come. COP28 is our chance to make a difference, and we must seize it with both hands. 

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